Collecting Donations

There are two ways to set up donation options in Brushfire:

  1. One would be to add a new registration or ticket type so that anyone who comes to your event’s landing page will be able to add their admission as well as a donation to their cart, and then proceed with checkout.
  2. The second way would be to set up the donation option as an attendee field, so that once an attendee adds their registration type to their cart and begins to fill out the registration form, they will be presented with that donation option.

This video walks you through how to do both options and shows you what your attendees will see with each option. 

Donation as Ticket/Registration Type

  1. In the Ticket and Registration Types tab in the event dashboard, in addition to your tickets for the event, you will click on New Ticket or Registration Type and clearly name it, such as Donation, as well as add a description to let attendees know what this donation will cover.
  2. Next, we are going to go to the Ticket Type Price tab. Be sure that you allow the customer to specify the price or the donation. You also have the option to set a minimum price allowed.
  3. Lastly, in the Fields tab, make sure they don't need to fill out any fields. This is just going to be their donation amount, so they don't need to answer any additional questions for that registration.
  4. Then, hit save! Donations set up as Ticket/Registration Types will still incur standard BF Fees for those types.

Donation as Attendee Fields

We strongly urge you to watch the video above starting at 3:12 for how to do the following as you can quickly get lost in the steps.

  1. In the Attendee Fields tab, you should see a preview of your attendee fields as they currently are. Click Edit and over on the right side of the screen, there is a Form Elements Tab. Hover and choose to add a Section Header, and name it Donations or whatever you want to name it. Remember to make it very clear.
  2. If you want to add more information about donations, maybe add a Paragraph field for whatever text you want to explain.
  3. Next, add a question that asks attendees if they would like to make a donation and then make it so that they can select Yes or No. So choose Radio Buttons from the Elements Tab and label it clearly like, “Would you like to make a donation?”
  4. Now, add a field where they can actually enter the amount of their donation by hovering over the Form Elements and selecting Item Amount. Label this something like Donation Amount. Then from here, under More Options, add a new option and type text you want to appear next to where they type in the amount.
  5. Now to make this only appear when your attendee selects Yes, clicking to Displayed Always and select the drop down. Find your Donation question and select Yes. And now hit save.
  6. So now when someone selects your version of a ticket or registration type, once in their cart, the donations question will appear with all the other Attendee Information you are collecting. When attendees select Yes, they'll have a new field where they can actually enter in the amount of their donation. If they select no, they'll just be able to proceed with their registration without entering in a donation amount.

Lastly, as a note, there are two reasons why we want to separate out these fields from the question with yes and no and the box to enter the amount:

  • First, if this donation amount box does appear, attendees will not be able to proceed to checkout unless they enter an amount greater than zero
    So being able to hide the amount box unless they do allows them to proceed. Otherwise, they would be forced to donate.
  • Second, if you are going to be sending out emails to attendees or doing any reports where you want to separate out attendees who have made donations from those who have not, adding the question, “Would you like to make a donation?” as a field makes it super simple to filter your attendees by who has made a donation and who has not. You will be able to set filters for if they selected yes to this question that will then sort them so that you can email only attendees who have made donations or only attendees who haven't or pull a report just to see which attendees have made donations versus those who have not.