How do I connect my Stripe account to Brushfire?

Getting Started

To connect an existing Stripe account to Brushfire or to sign up for Stripe and connect your new account to Brushfire, you must first be signed in to Brushfire as an administrative user.

Once you are signed in to Brushfire go to your Dashboard, choose the Payment Gateways option, and click Add Payment Gateway or go to

Please Note:

  • Stripe is currently available for use with Brushfire in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, the European Union, Singapore, Israel, New Zealand, and Australia.
  • For US customers on pay-as-you-go or transactional billing plans, the Brushfire Fees will automatically be withdrawn as paid transactions process through Stripe.

Connect Brushfire to Stripe

1. Select the Stripe option from the "Already have a gateway?" dropdown list and click the Connect button.


2. Enter your email address and continue to create a new Stripe account or Sign In to your existing Stripe account.



If you are signing in to your existing Stripe account, skip ahead to Step 9. If you are creating a new Stripe account proceed to Step 6.

3. In order to create a new Stripe account you will be required to provide Stripe with information about your business, your personal contact details, and your business details.

4. Next, Stripe will ask you to connect your bank account to which you want deposits from your credit card transactions to be made.

5. Last, you will be required to provide details for how your event attendees will get in touch with you. After this step you can review all of the information provided and continue with the creation of your account.

6. After you have authorized Brushfire to process charges using your Stripe account you will be directed back to Brushfire to complete the Stripe setup. Enter the name of your organization as provided to Stripe in the "Charges appear on statement as" box, confirm the currency you wish to charge in, and click Create.


7. Be sure to connect your events to this payment gateway by editing the "Payment Methods" configuration of your events.

You're all set! Stripe has been connected to your Brushfire account and is ready for use.