Seating Layouts

Seating layouts are used to add an interactive seating chart of your venue to your registration page, allowing attendees to pick their own seats. When creating an event, select the Assigned Seating option to add a layout to your event! However, once you create an assigned seating event, you will need to create a new event to revert it back to general admission.

There may be a fee associated with building a seating layout in Brushfire. A member of the support team can provide more information. If you are subscribed at a subscription level that includes assigned seating events, there is no extra fee. 

Further, please note that custom seating layouts can have up to a 3-5 business day turnaround time depending on venue size and complexity of the layout. Due to the extra time required, these requests are not an immediate service. 


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We recommend that only advanced users update options on the Seating Layouts Dashboard. Ask us before you change anything.

Just send us a diagram indicating the layout of your venue or auditorium with section naming, showing rows and seat numbering details and we'll generate a clickable interactive map for you. 

If you would like to add the sections and seats of the layout yourself, this article will show you how to edit seats. However, you will still need to contact us to set up the Interactive Seating Map by sending the diagram of your venue mentioned above.



Learn more about managing your assigned seating events here.

Contact us here if you would like to request a custom seating layout for your event.