View, Create, and Subscribe to Event Reports

In addition to Brushfire's Detailed Reporting tools that provide detailed reports about all the events in your organization, Brushfire provides a custom, event-specific reporting tool as well as a series of preset event reports that allow you to view your event's data in nearly any way you see fit.

Learning all your report options can feel daunting at first but rest assured, once you understand it, you can quickly create custom reports or view preset reports from your event's Manage page.


Preset Event Reports

Brushfire provides a series of preset event reports for every event you create. These can be accessed from the "Reports" section of your event management page. Here is a description of each one and how they might be useful to you.

  • Event Roster - The event roster gives you a quick, at-a-glance breakdown of everyone attending your event. For each attendee, this report shows the name of the person who ordered the ticket and their email address in addition to the order number, what type of ticket was purchased, and how much it cost. 
  • Full Attendee Details - This report will tell you everything you could ever want to know about each of your attendees. This report outputs, one attendee per page, every piece of data that Brushfire has stored about each attendee for your event
  • Promotion Usage - This report details every promotion code that has been used for your event and tells you which attendees it has been used on.
  • Assigned Seat List by Seat - This report shows you who is sitting where at your assigned seating venue. It gives you the attendees of your event organized by the sections they are seated in.
  • Assigned Seat List by Name - This report shows you who is attending your event and where they are sitting. Instead of being organized by seating section, this report is organized by the names of your attendees, and it tells you where each of your attendees is sitting.
  • Attendee Quantities by Order - This report shows you how many tickets are in each order placed for your event and what type they are.
  • Attendee Quantities by Group - This report gives you an idea of the size of each group attending your event.
  • Ticket/Registration Capacity Breakdown - This report tells you how many tickets or registrations you have sold out of each type that you have set up for your event. 
  • Check-in Activity by Session - This report shows you who has and has not checked in to each session for your event.
  • Field Capacity Breakdown - If your event has fields with multiple options, this report shows you each option for all of your fields and how many times it has been selected. If an option has a quantity limit, it will also show you how close that option is to reaching its limit.
  • Group Report - This report shows you each group that has been created for your event and some basic information about who has joined.
  • Outstanding Balances - With this report you can easily track who has an outstanding balance and the total amount that they've paid so far. 

Custom Event Reports

Brushfire also allows you to create your own custom event reports. To create a report, take the following steps:

1. From your event's management page, click "Create New Report..." in the Reporting section

2. You should now see a page with field names on the left side and a place to drag them to on the right side.

3. Simply drag the fields you want displayed on your report from the left to the gray box on the right


4. If you would like to separate your attendees in to groups, click the "Enable Sections" button near the top right of the page. You can now select the fields you would like to use to determine which attendees go in the same group by dragging fields into the black box that appears.



5. You can also apply filters to your reports so that not all attendees are shown for every report. To do this, expand the "Filters" section and click the "Add Filter Criteria" button.


6. For each filter you wish to supply, select the field on which you want to base your filter, the values you want to filter by and whether or not  the returned attendees should equal the value you supplied. Filters are applied in the order the appear on this page with the top one being applied first.

7. You may also choose the sort order for your report. To do so, expand the "Sorting" section and click the "Add Sort Criteria" button.


8. These sorts are applied in the order in which they appear on this page with the top one being applied first.

9. Now that you have configured your report, click the "Create Report" button.

Subscribe to Event Reports or Export Reports

Whether viewing existing reports or your customer reports, when you click the dropdown next to the View button, you can have the option to export or subscribe to that report.

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If you need additional help creating custom reports for your event, please email