Getting Started with Brushfire Online



The Brushfire Online Experience is a separate dashboard for managing the online component of virtual events in Brushfire. This is a separate sign-in dashboard from your Brushfire Registration and Ticketing dashboard.

The BFO Dashboard


When signing up to add virtual components to your event, we'll activate your online dashboard.

You will receive an invitation to set a password in your email. Once you have clicked on the link in your email, you will be able to sign in at to set up online (streaming) events. 


Edit Client User Information

When signing into Brushfire Online for the first time, you will need to add your information and update your organization profile.

Sign in at Click on the "Settings" in the left Menu bar to edit your Organization Information (Client Information). 

Your organization profile will be visible to your viewers at the URL you define in URL box: See this example:




Navigation is done by selecting options in the Navigation bar at the left of your screen. 

  • Channels - Allows you to view the related content added to a Channel. 
  • Content - Live stream or videos that are associated within your channels. 
  • Users - Users who you have given access to your channel like employees or volunteers.
  • Settings - Allows you to configure your Organization Profile and overall theme settings. 
  • User Profile Image - Allows you to adjust your password settings.

Adding and Managing Users

Brushfire Online has three user permission levels. You can create as many of these as you need.

  • Admin - Full privileges to add/edit/delete client settings, channels, contents, and users. Can view analytics and perform all tasks from the host panel.
  • Superhost - Can manage hosts, engage with attendees from the host panel, including managing interactions, and view analytics.
  • Host - Can only access the host panel and engage with attendees, including sending previously created interactions.

Add users by clicking the Add (+) sign.

Complete the account information and select the role of the user you are adding: Admin, Superhost or host. 

Pro Tip - Multiple Channels? Limit permission access to specific Channels. Always click SAVE.