Creating Copies of Events

The easiest way to set up events in Brushfire, is to use an existing event as a basis for new events.

After copying an existing event or after creating a new event you want to replicate, you can use the Event's Edit Tabs to customize your event before creating multiple copies of the same event.

This process often requires time and attention, but once you've set up your event, you can easily make copies, especially if you need to create recurring events.


You can copy an existing event from your Event List in your Organization's Dashboard or by clicking on the copy icon next to your event title when viewing your event page.

When viewing your Event List in the Organizer Dashboard, you can select from 3 display options:

  • Active Events (Current Published and Private Events)
  • Inactive Events (This includes all unpublished and past events)
  • Draft Events (All events created in the Event Creator that have not been published yet)



Each event has an option to edit (pencil icon with dropdown options), copy (copy icon), and to access the event's manage page (wrench icon).

Clicking on copy will start the copying process, you be able to update the main event details first.



Below the general details, you can select other options from the source event you would like to apply to the destination event (all applicable options will be available to select via checkbox).

Options include:


Once you've clicked CREATE, you can review each edit tab of your event to update Ticket Types Descriptions, Visibility Dates, Content, Attendee Fields etc. using the Event Edit Tabs of your new event.



Click Save at the bottom of each page and then preview your event page by clicking on VIEW.


You can copy your new event URL from the address bar to directly promote your event or use the URL Key to promote multiple events that use the same URL Key.

What is a URL Key?

You can also create a copy of any event when clicking on the copy icon next to the event title when viewing an event page, you must be signed in as an administrator.

