Event Lists, Views, and URL Keys

Event Lists

All your events display as thumbnail images in a grid instead of a text-only list. It will list all events active in your dashboard. To control which events display, read further on to learn how to assign a URL Key to the events you want to group together. You can add event thumbnail images in your Event Configuration under the Tracking Tab at Event Thumbnail, or Brushfire will supply a default image based on your event category. Attendees will find a search bar and a place to set a date range to look for specific events. The results will populate in the new thumbnail layout mentioned above.

Please note that the event Thumbnail is the same image that is set as the Social Sharing image in the Tracking section of your Event configuration. Thumbnail size - 1200px wide by 630px tall @ 72dpi.


Map View

To display a map of your events on this page, you can direct attendees to this URL with the highlighted text being required: https://brushfire.com/demo?view=map.


Calendar View

Calendar View offers a more date-focused option, as shown below. Once a date is selected, the event(s) will be displayed accordingly. For this option, add /calendar to the URL or URL Key (discussed in section below) to look like this:  https://brushfire.com/demo/calendar

Screenshot 2024-04-12 at 9.10.52 AM.png


What's a URL Key? To control which events to display, a URL Key makes only those events with the key display together. When you have multiple related events, like camps, that you want to group and promote via a similar URL structure, you would use the same URL Key.


To edit or update your URL Key, follow these steps:

1. Select "Main Details" from the Manage Page.


2. Type the preferred name of the URL.


3. You can also get to the "Main Details" page from your Dashboard.


4. Don't forget to save!

Note: All events that share the same URL Key will be displayed together at that URL Key. If the events share the same theme, the common theme will be used for the URL Key Event Listing.  If events do not share a common theme, the event listing page will default to the default organization branding. The organization theme can be updated in your Organization Dashboard.

The thumbnails (specifications listed here) displayed on event listing pages can be selected for each event on the event's Tracking Edit Tab after being uploaded to your Media Libary.