Chat Overview



Audience reactions have to be enabled by administrators in the content dashboard.

Reactions can be toggled on or off by viewers using the "bell" icon.



Chat is only available for LIVE and SIMULATED LIVE Content.
If you choose to allow chat during your live or simulated live broadcast, participants can enable chat in the sidebar by signing in. Viewers can sign in with Google, Facebook, an email, or simply a nickname. Viewers can comment, like other comments or flag comments as inappropriate.
Your Admin Users and Chat Moderator Users are labeled as hosts and easily have the ability to moderate chats as they occur. In addition to commenting, liking and flagging comments, hosts can delete audience comments and ban users and remove all previous comments in a chat session using the tool icons in the chat dialogue.
Chat is disabled when broadcasts are not live. Past chat comments remain visible on past content. To hide these, you can disable chat in your content dashboard.


To enable Chat for your broadcast, sign in at


Enable Chat

  • Navigate to your Content Edit Dashboard
  • Click on the Option Menu icon to edit the features associated with the Content. 
  • Enable Chat
  • Click Save



Chat Settings

Three options are listed on the Engagement edit option for each piece of content.

  • The first checkbox means people can read the chat (but not send messages) without signing in.
  • The second checkbox means people are required to supply a username, but not an email address when choosing to participate in Chat.
  • The third checkbox allows users to send direct messages to other users. 

The providers we support for chat sign in are listed on your Settings page, and can be turned off if you do not want to enable logging into chat using Google or Facebook. Note that Chat user names and avatars are pulled from these accounts if a chat user signs in with a Facebook or Google account.


One-on-One Chat

Viewer one-on-one chat allows conversation between viewers creating an even more community-filled experience. In order to enable this feature simply enable "allow users to chat with each other" under your chat options on the engagement tab.


Once this is enabled, viewers will be able to initiate one-on-one conversations with each other. They can do this by hovering over another user's icon. Once it turns to green with messaging bubbles they can click to open a one-on-one chat.

The panel will automatically switch to the one-on-one chat panel and, from there, viewers can chat with each other in a private conversation. They also have the option to mute the conversation, block the other user from chatting with them, or close the chat. Viewers can always toggle between different tabs to continue viewing the public chat or any other features while having a conversation.


Adding a link for your audience to initiate one-on-one chat with a host




Chat requests will be appear in the Chat Host Panel during a broadcast.


Launch Chat Host Panel

Audience Interactions

If you specify a start time for your broadcast, participants can interact with your live content in real-time via live moderated chat and via audience reactions.
  • Click the Options Menu 
  • Select Host PanelScreen_Shot_2021-09-28_at_4.48.40_PM.png

Triggering Interactions

Interactions are a great way to engage with attendees in the Chat window. You create interactions under Content - Interactions. You can create as many interactions as you'd like!

Ideas for Interactions:

  • Sending promo codes or other offers for discounts on merchandise
  • Sending links to Pre-Register for your next event
  • Asking a question to gain real-time feedback from your audience

Pro Tip - You can create interactions in real time but we recommend creating them prior to your event start. 


Chat and Host Chat

The Host Panel is accessed by Admin Users and Chat Host Users. On the right hand side, chat users can view the video content and engage in the public chat feed.

Host Chat allows hosts to share internal communications between chat hosts or admin users not visible to the public.


Responding to One-On-One Chat Requests



Live chat is a great complement to live broadcasts and simulated live broadcast events and a great way to stay connected and engaged with your community. 


Starting a One-on-One Chat with a Viewer

A host can start a one-on-one chat with a viewer at any time by hovering over their chat icon. When it turns to messaging bubble they can click and it will automatically open a one-on-one chat.



The conversation will appear in the space previously occupied by Host Chat in the Host Panel.


The Chat host can use the Option Menu icon to access different options related to the one-on-one chat such as mute, block, transfer to another chat host and close.
