Follow these steps to cancel an order and/or process a refund:
Find the original order for the person in question.
- At the top of the order details page, click the "Cancel/Adjust" button and you will be presented with a new page.
- On this page, you will see the full details of the order as it existed when originally placed.
- For Cancellations with a Full Refund, you need to completely remove the attendee(s) from the order. To do this, you just simply click the trash can icon to the left of the attendee that you want to cancel. The row for that attendee will disappear and the refund amount will be automatically calculated. Attendees who have already been canceled will not have a trash can icon next to their name. You can also click the trash can icon next to the event name to cancel all attendees.
- If it isn't a full refund, and you wish to assess a penalty for this cancellation, there is a box near the total labeled "Change Fee" and you can simply type in the amount of the penalty you wish to assess. The refund amount will be automatically updated.
- If you wish to cancel the attendee but issue NO refund, adjust the whole amount in the Change Fee box as well.
- Then, under Select a Payment Method, you would choose Link to Previous Transaction. If the original order was made recently with a credit card, this will automatically apply the refund back to the card that was used without having to re-enter the payment information. If that is not available (usually do to too much time passing from when the card was used on the order), you can select another payment method to issue the refund, like a check.
- If you do not want to send a confirmation email of this change (often helpful for administrative changes that do not require alerting the customer), simply uncheck the box that says "Send email confirmation of this change" below the customer's email address.
Note: The billing address and contact information will be pre-filled with the information from the original order. You may change it if necessary.
- If all the information is correct on this page click the large green or red button (it will be red for a refund and green for a new charge) to process the change.
EXCHANGES: If you are processing an even-priced ticket exchange, you have to first handle the original order and then place a new order. In both steps, however, the key here is that you will select Exchange as the payment method. This allows you to keep the money from their order to apply to their new order. So the ticket will cancel but you still have the money.
- Follow the same steps as above on the original order. But this time, when you get to Select a Payment Method, you would choose Exchange.
Go place the new order the attendee wants, and you will use Exchange again as the payment method to complete the process. This ensures you don't need any new payment information from the customer.
- If you have any notes you'd like to record about this change (these will only be visible to other admin users and not the customer) you can do so. For example, you may choose to paste the original Order Number into the new Order. Also, this is often helpful if the change being made is confusing or if another user needs to follow up on something.
- If all the information is correct on this page click the large green button to finalize the exchange.
- Once the system processes the change, you will be presented with a page letting you know the change was processed successfully.