To find an order, click on "Orders" at the top of any Brushfire page when logged in. This will take you to all the orders for the events/stores you have access to.
Quick Search
The simplest way to look up an order is to simply type something in the search box in the upper right corner of the page and hit enter (or click the blue search button).
This will do a global search for the value you enter across the following fields:
- Order Number
- Name
- Phone
- Organization
- User Name
- # of items in the order
- Order Total
- Payment Method
- Last 4 digits of card/account used
- Transaction ID
- Order Date
- Delivery Method
- Delivery Date
- Flag Color
- Event/Store Name
By default, the orders are sorted in reverse chronological order, so the newest order is always at the top. To sort by a different column, simply click on the column header for that column and the data will be sorted by that column in ascending order. If you click the same column header again, it will switch to be sorted in descending order.
Advanced Search
If you need to do more advanced searching, click the downward pointing triangle to the right of the magnifying glass on the search button and select "Advanced Filter." This will display a new filter button to the left of the search box where you can use a popover to select one or more filters to apply at the same time. For example, to find all the online orders placed with a Visa card, check the boxes next to "User" and "Payment Method". For "User" select the value that says "is blank" (since an internet purchase has no user associated with it) and for "Payment Method" type "Visa" in the text box. Once you click the "Filter" button in the upper right of the filter popover, the system will return only those orders that match the provided criteria.
A quick note if you have a LOT of orders...
If you have more than 15,000 orders in Brushfire, the orders page will only display the most recent 15,000 by default. This is because we cache the order data for a few minutes to ensure the orders page is fast when you load it. If you are searching for an order and it is not within the most recent 15,000 orders, you will need to tell Brushfire that you want to view ALL orders by clicking the "View all" link in the upper right corner of the order data table (see below).