Brushfire Online gives you the option to brand the page where your stream is displayed.
You will need to provide the following:
Your Organization Logo
Your organization logo appears in the top left corner of your streaming portal. It should be provided as a PNG file with a transparent background.
The recommended height of the logo image should be no taller than 320 pixels high at 144 DPI.
Brushfire Online allows you to have multiple channels in your account.
Uses for channels include Adults, Kids, and Youth or Sunday, Mid-Week, and Prayer. To get started, you'll need to provide at least one image for your primary Channel. You can create additional Channels later.
OPTIONAL Channel Desktop Header Image
Upload a header image to appear at the top of your channel above all of your content. The recommended size is 1200px by 200px at 144 DPI.
Channel Thumbnail Images
Upload a thumbnail image to show up in previews of your channels or when no content is available. Recommended image size is 1920px by 1080px at 144 DPI. You may require multiple channel thumbnails.
Video Poster Image
Upload a thumbnail image to show up in previews of your Content. Recommended image size is 1920px by 1080px at 144 DPI. You may require multiple Video Poster Images, one for each Content Item. You may choose to use a standard image placeholder for related content, or a custom image for each content item that represents an archived video or a stream.
Related content will appear below any upcoming or active content. When displayed as related content, a small area at the top and bottom of your uploaded images will be cropped at the top and bottom. The image safe area for Channel Thumbnails and Video Poster Image Thumbnails is 1920 x 975.
You can also provide an optional background image that is displayed as a background on all pages.
Recommended image size is 1920px by 1080px at 144 DPI.