How do I connect my organization to Fellowship One?

Brushfire offers features that connect your Brushfire attendees with your Fellowship One Church Management System. The following article will show you how to connect your Brushfire Organization to Fellowship One so that you can use these features.

Allowing Brushfire Access to Fellowship One

In order to use Brushfire’s Fellowship One syncing features, you must first allow Brushfire access to your Fellowship One system. Take the following steps to do so:

  1. From your Fellowship One Portal, select "Admin," then select "Applications"

2. On the page that loads, scroll down to the "3rd party" section and click on Brushfire. 

3. On the page that loads, click "Grant  access"

Configuring Your Organization

To get your Brushfire organization ready to sync with Fellowship One, take the following steps:

  1. From your organization’s dashboard, click the “Integrations” link in the sidebar on the left.


2. Once the page loads, click the "New" button next to the Fellowship One Logo


3. You will now need be asked for your Fellowship One Church Code. Enter your church code in the box that appears and click the "Connect to Fellowship One" button.

4. You will now be redirected to Fellowship One to enter the username and password of any portal user for your F1 system.

5. After logging in, you will be presented with a page to grant or deny Brushfire access to your F1 user. Click "Allow" on this page.

6. You will now be reidrected to a Brushfire page which will ask you to create a new Integration. From this point, all you need to do is give your integration a name and save it.


Now that you have saved your integration settings, you will want to go to the event you wish to sync with F1 and configure its sync settings. This article can help you through that process.