Check-In Options (Sessions)

About Check-In Options

Brushfire's Check-In feature allows you to create multiple sessions for an event. Using sessions allows you to check-in attendees multiple times for an event. For example, a Conference is 3 days and you want to check-in attendees each day. You would create a session for each day (more about this below). Another great use of sessions is for breakouts within a conference. An attendee can check-in for the main conference check-in and then scan their QR code to check-in for a breakout.

Note: The default setting for each event is Main Event Check-In. This setup works if you have a simple event with a single check-in but there are so many options for using Check-In Sessions. 

Real Event Example

Let's explore a more in depth example bSed on a real event setup. Below is a multi-day conference (Thursday - Saturday) with multiple breakout sessions each day. In this example we have several sessions based on Registrant types and attendee fields. The example below shows how this is setup in Brushfire and how Sessions are displayed in the Brushfire Mobile Check-In App. In this example Attendee & Field based session types are present.

    • Main Check-In
      • Thursday, Friday & Saturday
    • Breakout Sessions
      • Thursday AM, Thursday PM, Friday AM, Friday PM, etc


Session Types

Brushfire has three types of sessions options. Each type of session has a different method for selecting who is allowed to check in to those sessions.

  • All Attendees - This is the simplest type of session. This will include all attendees for this event. 
  • Attendee Type - Attendee Type sessions only allow attendees with tickets of a certain type to check in. This type of session is good for managing check-in to satellite events like meet and greets or VIP banquets where people have to have bought a specific type of ticket to get in.
  • Field-Based - Field-based sessions only allow attendees who selected a certain option for one of the attendee fields you required them to fill out at check-in. This type of session can be used to check people into breakout sessions at a conference.


Step 1 - Creating a Check-In Session

  1. From your event's dashboard page, click the "Check-in Options" tabCheck-In_MainScreen.png
  2. Create new session by clicking "ADD SESSION" or click the menu to reveal more options. Add_session_or_Import.png

Pro Tip - The Import & Export sessions features is beneficial if you have the same event multiple times or prefer to create several sessions at one time without clicking the "Add Session" button.

Importing Sessions allows the event organizer to import a .csv file with pre-formatted check-in sessions. Important to note, you'll need to edit each session Type after import.

(avoid special characters like "',.:' " and limit the name of your check in session to 110 characters or less.)

Step 2 - Name Session

  1. The new session requires you to complete the Name and select TypeScreen_Shot_2022-11-16_at_3.55.58_PM.png
  2. Depending on the Type selected you will see different optionsTypes_of_sessions.png
    • Attendee Based = Ticket or Registrant Type
    • Field Based = Attendee Fields

Note: Incomplete Attendees are attendees who do not have all required attendee fields completed, for example if you added required fields after registration launched, or if you imported names and email addresses of attendees into your event. 

Step 3 - Save New Session

Step 4 - Organize or Edit Sessions

Now you can organize sessions & enable/disable sessions for the Brushfire Mobile Check-In App! In the example below the sessions were created out of order. Now simply click the MOVE button to change the location of the session. Previously Sessions were organized alphabetically in the app.

  • Friday AM Session below Friday PM Session
  • Simply click MOVE
  • Identify the correct locations
  • Click HERESession-order-gfx-updated.png


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