Brushfire offers features that connect your Brushfire attendees with your Planning Center Online (PCO) account. The following article will show you how to connect your Brushfire Organization to PCO so that you can use these features.
Connecting your organization to Planning Center.
In order to use Brushfire’s PCO syncing features, you must first allow Brushfire access to Planning Center. Take the following steps to do so:
1. From your Organization's dashboard, click the "Integrations" link in the sidebar on the left.
2. On the integrations page under Planning Center click "+CREATE NEW".
3. On the next page, click "CONNECT TO PLANNING CENTER".
4. You will be automatically redirected to the Planning Center website authorization page. Enter your Username and Password and Click the "Go" button.
5. After clicking "Go", you will be automatically redirected back to the PCO integration page of the Brushfire dashboard. Here you may change the name of your integration if you choose. Next, click the "CREATE" button.
6. You're finished! You will receive a message notifying you of your integration.
Now that you have saved your integration settings, you will want to go to the event you wish to sync with PCO and configure its sync settings. This article can help you through that process.